Emergency Management

Emergency management is a continuum of actions ranging from prevention – which should be the first line of defense against anticipated natural events as well as unanticipated manmade (including terrorist) events – to planning and preparedness aimed at enabling...

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Technology Commercialization

The final step of an enterprise technology management system designed to provide sustaining income is the commercialization of technologies that result from internal or partnered development efforts. Commercialization may take the form of outright sale of the...

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Technology-Based Economic Development

One feature common to many sustainable enterprises, especially those whose missions encompass R&D and technology development, is their involvement in regional or national technology-based economic development (TBED). Such enterprises often form a core element of...

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R&D Project Management

Project management of research and development (R&D) is an intrinsically complex task. Tangible results are not always a certainty – one cannot be sure that a discovery will be made or a concept can be operationalized, let alone on time and within budget. There...

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Intellectual Property Management

Intellectual property (IP) can be a significant contributor to enterprise sustainability if it is effectively created, protected, and exploited. Patents, copyright, and trademarks are the principal means by which an enterprise protects its unique ideas and designs,...

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Technology Management

Many of the institutions and enterprises which Intersect Insight principals have served rely heavily on managing technologies to serve their sustainability objectives. R&D organizations generally have scientific discovery and the management of resulting...

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